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Over the years, again and again, young therapists have come to me for supervision complaining: I'm stuck. For a while the work was going well, but now we're at an impasse. [...]

Finding Your Truth

"We must be able to let things happen in the psyche. …It would be simple enough, if only simplicity were not the most difficult of all things." — C.G. Jung It’s [...]

Transitional Artifacts

"'Things close in,' said Walter Mitty vaguely," wrote James Thurber of his fictional character's response to his life's demands. "Yes, they do," I agreed in my mind. Except, unlike Mitty, who [...]

No Regrets

The day before my fiftieth birthday, my husband Lou announced to me that he was shopping for a new high-definition, wide screen TV. Since we already had a huge one in [...]

Growth in Goodbye

Three years after she abruptly walked out of my office, she wrote me a note. I was surprised to receive it and remember the trepidation with which I opened the envelope. [...]

Swimming Lesson

Day Camp turned unpleasant at Swimming lessons, stinging chlorine, Dreaded disrobing, hurried moment Of public nakedness, shiver of water, my inability to shed the white necklace of beginners, the urge to [...]

The Joys of Being a Psychotherapist

Sometimes, in the dark of night, awake and worried about a patient, I wonder: Why am I putting myself through this? I have to skip over the fact that being a [...]

Atonement and The Kite Runner

Atonement by Ian McEwan (Random House, New York, 2001; $14.95 paper; 351 pages) The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini (The Berkley Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Group, New York, 2003; $14.00 paper; [...]

The Night I Became A Therapist

We are alive.  Our fingertips are alive and we love something even if it is only a spirit with cloth wings.  We don’t care we love it so much! —Thomas Lux [...]

Lost – Musings on one’s own mortality

My primary truth of the last two plus years was that I was dying. I was assured by scientific research and oncologists that my gastric cancer would likely kill me in [...]

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